Monday, February 15, 2010

Propex heater, battery, seat covers and holes in the floor

Wow ! What a weekend not much to show this week as its all been tape measures and calculators once again in sub-zero temperatures. Then updating the drawings and making sure the final build instructions actually work !

On the more positive side. The sink finally got ordered and the front seat covers and the leisure battery (100ah Elecsol) arrived..... geddit ? battery, positive .... Oh never mind.

And after much scrabbling about in and under the van all the positions for holes in the floor are marked out - thats 4 x gas drop outs, 1x waste water, 2x propex heater (air in and fumes out). Propex install could be tough given my preferred location in the cupboard - I am going to have to rig up a special mount as the pipes will need to be off set rather than straight through the van floor. More on this later.....